Tuesday, February 23, 2010

SNL is the only show in TV history that is 100% driven by the cast.

SNL is the only show in TV history that is 100% driven by the cast. If the cast is awful the show is awful. If the cast is great the show is great. There is no arguing that. It is also the most difficult show to be a cast member of; with a 100 hour plus work week that can only be survived with the help of coke, speed, and/or whatever else keeps you awake – paranoia? That too, because it was all on your shoulders like with no other job!
Go back and look at the eras you loved and chances are you were laughing at Aykroyd, Belushi, Carvey, Chase, Crystal, Curtin, Fallon, Farley, Ferrell, Fey, Franken, Hammond, Hartman, Kattan, Lovitz, Miller, Murphy, Murray, Myers, Newman, Piscopo, Poehler, Quinn, Radner, Rock, Sandler, or Spade.
The show stinks now because the cast stinks now.
That is 100% on the shoulders of the management of NBC. How many idiotic things has this management team done? {Leno / O’Brien ring a bell?}. The way to improve late night, both on weekends and weekdays, is to literally flush out every single member of upper management at NBC – kind of like firing every single solitary incumbent in Washington DC is what’s needed there! This is the era of Incumbent equals incompetent.
In an era of media moguls with massive misplaced egos and arrogance, and absolutely zero talent, smarts, or good judgment to back it up – the absolute kings of the hill among them are the nit-wits atop the management turd pile at NBC.
Terminate them and problem solved: instantly!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

All of Washinton is out of touch with America.

There are three “equal” branches of government in America. All three are clearly equally out of touch with America, the American voter and the citizens of America, voters or not. All three are in need of change. None are listening. All are strident political partisans. All must be removed.
None ‘get’ the constitution. None ‘get’ what American was, is, and will always be about.
Incumbent equals incompetent. Boot out all incumbents the first chance you get. Keep new rookies in for two terms max – then boot them out as well. After two terms in Washington, they all completely forget everything outside Washington.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Friday, February 12, 2010


America is in trouble – deep trouble. National Government is on life-support. Nothing gets done in Washington D. C. Nothing will without a sea change
[ http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/312800.html ], and soon.

The people of America are furious. Just as the 1976 movie NETWORK said so succinctly: “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!”
That is the American people, the American voter, speaking - yelling.
Even more loudly than in that movie from 1976:

Washington is not listening. The media are not listening.
Washington is too busy kissing the keister of the 20,000 [not an exaggeration] or so lobbyists currently entrenched in D.C.
The media are too busy listening to, and presenting the mutually radical views of the psycho-left-wing and the psycho-right-wing. A bird with those two wings can’t fly – not even the American eagle.
The left and the right each represent less than 5% of the American public. The remaining 90 + percent that Nixon used to call the “great silent majority” are left with no voice. None.
What we need in the media is the voice of the independent middle; and I’m volunteering. Have a time slot on your radio programming that is pretty dead and going south fast?
I volunteer to fill it with an I.V. for America – The Independent Voice… the moderate voice reflective of the vast vast majority of Americans. “Talk for the rest of us.”
Don’t think it will get ratings? The ratings of the Left are in the sewer. They succeed by sheer numbers – 90% of the media are leftists. FOX gets by far the best ratings for one, and only one simple reason: they are alone. There’s only one of them compared to the vast army-mob from the left. They thrive by default.
But neither extreme could possibly come close in ratings to a venue that reflects and speaks to the 90% now ignored. Give that 90% a voice in the media and they will surly use it. The ratings will follow – and blow away the rest of the current media that only represents the extreme 10%. Represent 90% instead of 5% or 10% - no-brainer!
Sure moderate middle-America has sat silent for a long time and you are within your rights to think that it will continue… unless, of course, you are paying attention.
Does the Tea-party movement get all that buzz and attention from the people because the core leadership are geniuses? Of course not! Most of them can’t put an intelligent sentence together –much less a movement, a party, an organization. But they are thriving. Why? Because despite their mountainous flaws, they reflect something somewhat close to what the American voter thinks. And because the American people are no longer sitting on their hands and observing. They are sick of observing. They are sick of not being represented. They are sick of poor choices in the voting booth. They are sick of poor choices in the media too.
The American people are furious that no one is really seriously doing anything about jobs. Health care? Give me a job – let me worry about my health care!
Too big to fail? How about too big to live? Kill the big bank and let the old fashioned small town bank grow out of the fertilizer left by big bank’s dead carcass.
A bipartisan congress? Simple. Incumbent equals incompetent. Boot out all incumbents. Replace them all with rookies. Think rookies will screw up Washington because they are too wet behind the ears to get it? How can they do any worse than the road-kill we have representing us now? They couldn’t possibly!
Want more topics for discussion? Just ask!

So, again:

I propose “TALK FOR THE REST OF US”. That “I.V.” I spoke of. The INDEPENDENT VOICE that the American people are craving right now. No viewpoints barred. No topic taboo. No radical unscathed. No voter left out. Focus to be on the real majority of the people of America.

I fill that role. I am an independent. I work, dig, explore, and function independently. If you are looking for another “yes man” for the left or the right, I do not fit the role. If you are looking for an “oh yes I can! man” no one is better suited for the job than I am. The politically correct term is ‘assertive’. The accurate term is ‘aggressive’. I am both. I am radically moderate - radically independent.

Dwight M Lee
Dwight M. Lee