Monday, May 24, 2010

Gulf Oil Spill

Monday, May 24, 2010

Gulf Oil Spill:

You are not doing enough. YES, YOU!

This will turn out to be the greatest ecological disaster of all time – man-made, natural, or otherwise.
This will be the greatest ecological disaster of all time. Listen to those words and repeat them. This is not an exaggeration. This is a prediction.

Here is why. There are two problems. The obvious one is what is happening to the Gulf of Mexico. This will expand to the Caribbean and then to the Atlantic. This will actually reach Europe – and sooner than you think. Worse than you think.

Here is the second part of the problem which no one is paying attention to except me. What happens when the oil leaves its current location underground under the ocean? Do you think that the space it vacates just stays vacated? Do you really believe that a void is allowed to stay by the forces of nature? No. Natural forces never allow a vacuum. It is against natural law. The oil now underground will be replaced. It may be by dirt, mud, water, additional oil, or something else. Eventually this unnatural space or void will move to a place that cannot handle it. That will be when the catastrophe of all catastrophes will occur. No one knows what that will be because no one has ever experienced it. This kind of sudden, massive, quick void and filling of said void of this size and speed is unprecedented in history. This will turn out to be the greatest disaster of all time.

Your scientists will pooh-pooh my prediction and using nothing but scientific sounding conjecture will declare everything is fine and I am absolutely wrong. There will be no underground void and surge to fill it. They will behave as if they are absolutely certain – they will be absolutely wrong.