Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It’s about Jobs – It’s about Time

It’s about Jobs – It’s about Time

The vast majority of pundits and politicos are dead wrong about the message being sent to Washington by the voters of Massachusetts Tuesday.

The real message is simply this – it’s about jobs! The incumbents, both Democrats AND Republicans, are not doing enough to get the jobless rate down from 10% to 5%. Until the jobless rate reaches 5% again, you will see incumbent after incumbent being defeated or at least frightened by the voters of this country pounding this message into their thick skulls.

The incumbents are battling over health care instead of getting voters jobs.
The incumbents are worrying about illegal immigration instead of getting voters jobs.
The incumbents are bailing out fat cats instead of getting voters jobs.
The incumbents are continuing two wars instead of getting voters jobs.
The incumbents are sweating climate change instead of getting voters jobs.
The incumbents are pushing the greening of energy instead of getting voters jobs.
The incumbents are spending the voters’ grandchildren’s money instead of getting voters jobs.
The incumbents are plunging the country into ever deeper debt instead of getting voters jobs.
The incumbents are watching U.S. jobs go overseas instead of getting voters jobs.
The incumbents are expanding ugly partisan politics instead of getting voters jobs.
The incumbents are growing ever more arrogant (if that is even possible) instead of getting voters jobs.

This is not the Republicans versus the Democrats. This is the Incumbents versus The Voters.
Martha Coakley was a terrible candidate. She was not an incumbent, but she was not the least bit unusual. She and the Democratic Party in Massachusetts assumed this senate seat was hers. It was hers to lose and she did.

Politicians are amazingly unresponsive to the people who vote them in and can - and increasingly do - vote them out. Incumbents – especially multi-term incumbents – continue to demonstrate the shocking viewpoint that the voters just don’t get it; and we will do whatever we choose to do for them because we know better. We are untouchable. If they continue to push what the voters don’t want without paying the least bit of attention to the voters – the incumbents will pay with their own jobs.

Get the American voters jobs or you lose yours!

So the questions that the voters want answered are these:
· Can Washington hear the American voter?
· Will Washington hear the American voter?
· What if anything will they do with the very clear message?
· How long will it take for jobs to move to Job One?
· When will they start listening to the voters desires about health care?
· Just how big will the outsider landslide be in November 2010?
· When – if ever - will Washington politicians finally ‘get it’?
~~ Dwight M. Lee

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