Monday, August 2, 2010

I have to feel sorry for poor Mr. President. He just cannot seem to get himself out of campaign mode. That is one of many reasons he is such as failure as president. He knows how to really catch us all with one campaign… but that trick is over – if he is a one-trick-pony, someone has to explain that that first-time-around BS campaign does not keep working and working and working… you need to come up with another set of marketing gimmicks and tricks..
• the old outsider gimick does not work twice in a row…
• the old favorite: blame the other guys for everything only works once for each candidate…
• the old ‘progressive’ favorite that the Repub’s are ‘the party of no’ won’t work again
• the totally worn out ‘they just love the rich and kill the middle class’ is dead in the water
• the ‘I’m gonna change Washington’ was a ‘bust’ since he changed Washington to “Chicago” and its most-ugly-politics-in-the-universe style of doing business…
No, we didn’t get ourselves a president – we got ourselves a character assassin for the ages. Unfortunately for Mr. Obama the character he did the most thorough job of assassinating was his own character. Mr. President, please just try to limp through the rest of this rookie-mistake-filled excuse for a first term presidency and then just go quietly into the night without a fight and please close the door and turn out the light on your way out.

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